Today was our first sunny day in over a week :)
So, we spent it mostly outside...weeding, cleaning up, and we (boyfriend and I) went to get plants for our garden!
Unfortunately, his entire backyard is still completely under water, so it will be a while before we can till and plant, but I feel worlds better just having the plants in my hot little hands.
I'm worried though because our forecast says rain for the next week (AGAIN!) and we won't be able to plant anything until we get a break from it.
It was actually in our newspaper (on the front page!) that we've had record rains and all of our farmer's crops may be ruined.
Plus, another week of rain means I'm going to be back to feeling just awful :(
On the flip side of things...For whatever reason today, I'm feeling just awful. Could be the weather change, could be because I forgot my meds yesterday...but today I just hate myself and want to bawl my eyes out.
It's 6:20 pm and I've not been "Rapture"-d....
Sorry all, you're stuck with me and my boring blog posts :)
Amount of sleep:6.5 hours pretty decent hours. A few nightmares, and I had to get up early (dragging myself out of bed was hell) but I'm just glad to have gotten any sleep at all.
BP/Heart Rate (am):
ugh, some days I hate myself. I blame it on oversleeping and rushing this morning.
ugh, some days I hate myself. I blame it on oversleeping and rushing this morning.
- Breakfast: half almond pastry (pretty big pastry though), 2 cups water
- Lunch: beef kabob with a couple (read: 5) potato chips, 2 cups water
- Dinner: (hopefully) buffalo chicken pizza. yum. I need it.
- Snack 1:
- Snack 2:
- took a walk with my love and my (our) dogs :)
- finally went to get plants!!
P.O.T.S. symptoms experienced:
so far: heat intolerance, cold extremities, headache, stomach upset, light headed, mood swings.
BP/Heart Rate (pm):
- o.b.
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