One of the sites that I’ve come to adore (as a POTSie as well as a person!) is called 43things. It’s a goal-setting site that allows you to come up with a list of things you’d like to achieve. Each goal can be short or long term; heck it can be anything you want! As a goal is put on your list, you’re able to write entries on your progress. There’s also the ability to interact with others; which has been wonderful in the year(s) where I had little interaction with anyone due to illness. I’ve found it to be a great organizational, and motivational, tool. Check it out, it’s awesome!
A few of the people that I interact with are runners, hikers, and just generally very active people. (Perhaps opposites attract?) Several of them are 5K runners and marathon participants.
Now, the odds of me running a marathon are slim to none. Honestly, I’m okay with that. I’m not a runner (I never was) and it was just never something that I considered to be a ‘must do’ in my lifetime. My passions and dreams lay outside the world of running.
Still, it must be an incredible thing to accomplish. So, I decided to institute my own.
As most POTSies know, some days just getting out of bed feels like a marathon. Walking to the mailbox, or up a flight of stairs can be an exhausting travel. On my worst days, I’m pleased as punch when I can just shower and walk downstairs!
It’s taken three years of ‘training’ to be able to walk a mile with my dogs; how in the heck was I going to accomplish a marathon? So, I set myself an open time limit with the only stipulation being that I was going to walk a marathon’s distance of 26.22 miles.
Today, after several months of dedication, I completed that goal. Words can’t express how good it feels; especially after being more-or-less homebound two years ago.
With a lot of determination, and support from my 43things friends, I did it! Me!
A friend of mine through 43things (yes, you make great friends there) sent me a small package with a note of congratulations as well as a homemade runners bib and a finisher’s medal. I will display them with pride.
Thanks for sharing how you worked around an obstacle to achieve the victory of a dream fulfilled. I LOVE your idea since I wished I could run a marathon, then realized well maybe walk a half-marathon someday, and then think right now, hmmm walking would be nice. lol So maybe one day I will have to adopt your goal. Cheers and high-fives for your victory and your ingenuity!! :) You inspire and encourage so many like me. hugs, ~ Christine