Last night, I was looking all over this site to see if there was any way to suspend this blog- where I wouldn't lose the domain name, but I could put it on 'pause' for a while.
As I was doing this (which I couldn't find a way, btw) I came across my "Stats" page - which I never knew existed. It was very interesting- apparently I've had over 300 page views in this month alone, not including my own. That FLOORED me.
Plus, one of my referring sites (the sites people get here from) was 43 Things, so there are some very nice people on 43T who are kind enough to come check in on me.
Now I'm undecided about discontinuing this. It really was a great way to keep track on my day-to-day stuff that I don't want to clog up 43T with, and it seems like a shame to stop something that was actually helping me because of one or two people. The reason I started it was to help raise awareness for people who are suffering from the inability to gain weight/dealing with anorexia/and (now) to help shed some light on a little-known condition.
What to do?
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